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Zeo Flying Power Kick

A move used during any sporting event involving kicking something such as a ball. It involves jumping, usually with a running start, until your entire body is horizontal with one leg extended outward to make a devestating impact. Time seems to slow down as everyone witnesses such badassery. Based off of the move invented by Tommy Oliver in Power Rangers

*Soccer ball in mid air*
Player: Zeo Flying Power Kick!
*Scores the winning goal, taking out the goalie and destroying the net in the process*

by Flarrow August 5, 2016

Drake Flying Out the Window

A smoker that bullies people.
Has a cow head.
Listens to onion music
performed below state average
eats balsa wood and gets held back and homeschooled

Your mom is a Drake Flying Out the Window

by \your real name./ March 25, 2019

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Flying Tea Bag (FTB)

The flying tea-bag, commonly refered to as the F.T.B., is one of the most devestating attacks/acts of douchbaggery in existence to date. Do Not Attempt This Without A Trained Proffesional!!! BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS, HARD FLOORS, OR GROUND CAN RESULT IN SERIOUSE INJURY OR DEATH.

In order to perform an FTB one must get their groin up to atleast the mark's chin level. You catch their head between your legs, with your legs splayed into a Y. Hit with enough momentum to bring them to the ground, and as they are going down, land on your feet and run off into the sunset. They rack their head and you accomplished something magical.

I was comin down the stairs and zach came around the bottom, not paying attention. I swung off the railing, caught him in forehead with a beautiful flying tea bag (ftb) and he went down flailing. I hit the ground standing and ran off into the sunset.

by RevLevi July 3, 2009

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flying red eyed bunny

A bunny with the amazing biscuit power to go soggy when dipped in tea, now where did i put my toenail's oh no i swallowed one (pretends to cry), how will i get back to my pinaples now wait i can use my bunny wings to fly there and if anyone gets in my way i will kill them with my red lazer eyes, he fly's up but someone throws a spade at him he looks to see who it was but then gets sucked through a planes engines only one person goes to his funeral and that was....... The guy who turns into a curly fry with a tie who likes pork pies and if he dousnt have one within a certain amount of time he die's but beore that he flies onto a rugby pitch and scores a tri but the ref says it dousnt dousnt count because he poked someone in the eye so he flies into the sky and gets shot down and falls into a pig sty and that was the end of (go to start of name)

<look mom it's a flying red eyed bunny
>Theres no such thing son
<Yes there is i hate you!!!!!
>well you were an acident and you came out backwards!!!
<your mean as a jelly bean with cream
>(shoked) =0
<look its the amazing blazing double glazing squad!!!
>Realy (getting exited)

by Theflyingredeyedbunny April 4, 2010

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Penis Fly Trap

A painful occurance that takes place when one's penis gets caught in one's fly.

(Most common when going "commando" and/or when "pissing" standing up).

Two Pissing guys:


Guy 2: What happened, man?

Guy 1: Penis Fly Trap!

Guy 2: Haha, that blows for you!


Guy 2: GAAAHH!

by timeoddplace July 16, 2011

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Supa Fly Hobo Slippin

all-american curling, only with greased-up hobos instead of rocks and inside of a mall instead of on the ice. possibly the greatest sport of all time.

Hey, let's go supa fly hobo slippin' at Landmark next thursday.

by the jack man April 25, 2003

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flying nut high five

the attempt of jump up in the air, running at another dude, spread your legs, and then knock your nuts together

Bam and Ryan could never accomplish the flying nut high five

by 3PACTVHD December 4, 2015

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