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When somebody throwes a small girl out of the window

I am going to yeet that short dwarf

by Lordwergeland August 6, 2019


YEET is a word when said when you throw something really hard or a Fortnite term when you launch something

Me:*throws a can*
Also me:YEET!

by Noisy boiiii!!!!! June 18, 2020


a cringy word mainly used by white people

jake paul said yeet before

by 123princess123 February 8, 2019


yeet is a word often used when throwing something

he said yeet when he throw the ball

by good human 112 May 8, 2023


to chuck something at maximum velocity

"YEEEEET"- Collins key (yeet)

by I dronk blich April 20, 2021


If you scream "Yeet" while throwing something. That something will go extra fa
st and extra fast.

Person1: Yeet!
Person2: Wow, that went far.

by Potetus April 19, 2018


This word means a lot of things. It can be used to describe throwing something away or it can be used as a way to agree with something. Sometimes you just get the urge to scream YEET

I am done with this bottle i will just yeet it away. Hey do you want to go out tonight Yeet

by Howdy1235 May 19, 2020