A Woman (usually) Who Uses Sex/Seduction To Attain Money, Power or Information
Fun fact: 1970's -1980's New York female police officers would pose as prostitutes to arrest potential customers (johns)
the honey trap
2nd example:
a foreign woman (usually) who seduces american male tourists - offers sex but instead robs them, steals, or sets them up for an armed gang to rob them
honey trap
Jen: We Had To Go The Police And Contact Foreign Relations Agents
Mike: Why?
Jen: We Had To Get Rick Back To America - He Went To Costa Rica And Claims He Got Robbed
Mike: What You Think He's Lying?
Jen: I Think He Fel For The "Honey Trap"
Worse than your mom gay, your dad lesbian, and your granny tranny combined.
person 1: Your mom gay
person 2: Your dad lesbian
person 1: *Kidneys explode*
person 2: Don't make me say it
person 1: Do it
person 2: Your grandpap a trap
*Entire multiverse collapses*
The practice of being very angry about or offended by something you have no experience with, coined after the general outrage towards the Sega CD game Night Trap, which was painted by politicians and protestors at the time to be a game about hurting women, when in reality the game is about using security cameras to protect teenage girls from vampires.
Regardless of how many people reconsidered their statements after watching it, the public response to the ad campaign for the movie Cuties is always going to be my go-to for showing somebody what Night Trapping is.
The trap is a place where people go hard. See Dalen that trapper is the lord of it.. nobody can trap it as hard as he has..
Dalen runs the trap, he is the trap lord Baby or Star of the Trap, first of his name dawg word.. now fuck outta my trap lil skuid
Referring to a Trap which is a location where drugs are produced and sold. so if the "Trap is hot" you are selling alot of drugs.
Damn the trap been hot
Trap hot all the time
Snowing in the trap is when you get cocaine in the trap house. ⛄️
Aye, did you hear it's snowing in the trap?
Same operations as docking, only one penis is uncircumcised, allowing the other penis to get caught in its foreskin.
My girlfriend didn't think it was funny when she caught my jewish cousin and I finger trapping.