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urban dictionary editor

Somebody who really has nothing better to do. Like get off this website. There's nothing salvagable of it left. Get a life.

"I was going to invite (insert your name here) to the party but I've hear they're an urban dictionary editor. Like eesh.."

by ICantThinkOfAUsername June 22, 2015

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Urban Dictionary

Your an asshole for looking up Urban Dictionary in Urban Dictionary.

Douchebag A: Let's go to Urban Dictionary!
Douchebag B: What should we look up?
Douchebag A: Haha how bout Urban Dictionary I bet no one's done that!
Everyone else: (Facepalm)

by Mr.Beaner March 27, 2010

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Your Name On Urban Dictionary

Your opportunity to go on Urban Dictionary and make a super flattering, overly embellished definition describing the name you carry.

Peter: See? You can put Your Name on Urban Dictionary, and make a definition for it.

Steve: Says here β€œPeters” are the sweetest, kindest men.

Peter: Damn right.

Steve: That’s bullshit, though. Cause you’re a piece of shit.

Peter: Yeah, but putting this down helps me and other Peter’s feel better about ourselves.

by Chuds McGee October 1, 2019

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Urban Dictionary rubber stamp

This Urban Dictionary rubber stamp refers to the phenomenon that even the most ridiculously stupid definitions get approved.

Chi Chi: Can you believe that captain iridium got approved?

Jr: I know! It's so stupid, because osmium is the densest element, not iridium. It's the most pathetic attempt at a joke ever.

Chi Chi: That's the Urban Dictionary rubber stamp for you...

by moraleboatanchor April 27, 2013

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urban dictionary is written by you

lets face it urban dictionary is the laziest website on this planet so they get payed by other people doing there work for them

urban dictionary is written by you

by reltih si eman ym February 24, 2017

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Shirt From Urban Dictionary

You Need One

This Guy Needs A Shirt From Urban Dictionary

by darkestdarci March 16, 2023

The Urban Dictionary Drinking Game

A game created by youtube Vlogger 'AdamSeesAll' where people need to guess the meanings of words on the urban dictionary website, until someone is drunk.

Guy 1: Dude do you remember playing the urban dictionary drinking game last night?

Guy 2: No

Guy 1: Yeah you fucking lost hard.

by AdamSeesAl August 16, 2011

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