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Good Friend

Good friend means that you possibly fancy them as the words β€œgood friend” are cover ups for β€œI like you but I never want you to find out” stay woke.

oh yeah, Chloe is a good friend..

by ssstaywokeee November 25, 2018

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Gay friend

A straight man your girlfriend describes as "gay" in order to make you less suspicious.

More often this "gay friend" is one of her orbiters or one of her secret fuck buddys she can date in broad light without having to worry about you being jealous.

Veselina: Babe tonight I'm going out have dinner with my "gay friend" so I can't see you.

James: oh I see, can I come with you?

Veselina: no James, I don't feel ready to introduce you to my friends.

by Wisedude999 March 2, 2019

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Watch Friends

The act of playing starcraft (Used as codespeek to seem less geeky around girls)

Yo Albert, wanna watch friends tonight?
Answer: Yes

by Fjâlnir Ásgeirsson September 23, 2006

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Best Friend

People, usually girls, who do EVERYTHING together! Whether it be boring family stuff or shopping. Someone who is always there no matter what, even if you are being a bitch. Someone who knows when your lying and why without even asking. Someone who tackles you for the last gummy worm, or will forgive five minutes after having a fight. Someone who truly loves you for you and would die for you. Hoes before bros.

"Did you see Olivia and Maddie, they're hanging out AGAIN!"

"That's because they're true best friends"

by loverseverything November 11, 2011

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best friend

the one you can run to in the middle of the night with a broken heart and a broken spirit and they do whatever they can to make it right. when your world seems dark and you can't see any hope, they are the light at the end of your tunnel. when a door closes, they kick it in for you or build a new door. they stay up late with you talking about nothing and everything at the same time. no matter what time of day or night, you can depend on them to be there for you. a true best friend is a treasure because they are normally the ones you would have chosen for family if you had the option to. they love you as you are, no matter your flaws. even when you have royally screwed up, they just look at you and tell you that you were stupid and give you a hug to let you know it's alright and that nothing will ever change between you two. in reality, only a few friends can truly be elevated to the status of best friend because only a few will go to hell and back with you and still love you for who you are.

We have been through boyfriends, break ups, rumors, and fights, but we will always be there for each other, because that's our job as best friends.

by Teddiann January 2, 2011

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best friend

a best friend is someone that means the world to you. someone that you love with all your heart. someone that you wouldn't change for the world. someone that you do everything with, together. someone who is by your side just as much as you are by theirs. having a best friend is the best feeling in the whole wide world. this just makes it a hell of a lot more painful when you're no longer friends. losing this person is the biggest pain ever experienced. how can someone that brings you so much joy, bring you so much pain too? i will never know, but i still care about you, even if you hate me.

a best friend is someone you care about, that you do everything together, can confide in eachother, and trust is a massive key to this

by iwillmarrybammargera February 5, 2012

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Friend Zone

friendzoned is basically a preemptive rejection where people get too comfortable with someone and see them as only a special conversation/sharing info partner 'a friend' and unconsciously reject the person as a sexual opportunity and would be shocked and appalled if that was brought up. Its a sickness that runs rampant in todays society and must be stopped.

The best example of this would be that of Daniel and Nicole. Man i wish he'd get out of the "Friend Zone" so sean and i could make that new movie with Aziz Ansari, Jonah Hill, Kevin Hart, Mila Kunis, and Timothy DeLaGhetto

by abeliever December 9, 2013

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