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self-driving cars

Something I hope becomes mainstream in the near future

Wouldn't it be cool if everyone had self-driving cars

by Dubiks February 19, 2019

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Run Car Snow Pen

If you say it in sweden it would sound like "Masturbating the dick"

Tourist: Run car snow pen

Swedish Emil: NIIIIIICE

by FLT KING May 9, 2017

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New Mexico Pace Car

A New Mexico Pace Car is the act of sitting with your buttocks above your head (preferably on a wall at a 45ยฐ angle) and pooping onto the front of yourself. The goal of the New Mexico Pace Car is to outrun your excrement before it slides into your mouth using your penis as a shift knob.

Co-Worker 1: "Hey man, what'd you do this weekend?"

Co-Worker 2: "Well, I figured since it was the anniversary of my divorce I'd celebrate by giving myself a New Mexico Pace Car and watching re-runs of M.A.S.H."

by MygrantGlassCo June 15, 2015

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car window removal specialist

One who removes car windows for the purpose of removing valuables from inside. See also ganker. Crackheads also make attempts to work in this field but are frequently caught.

The car window removal specialist busted that window and ganked all of their stuff that was worth money.

by SmurfDaddy January 24, 2004

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Graffiti in my car port

The act of pulling out at the point of no return and inadvertently spraying over a ladies vagina or a mans anus. A method often known more commonly as "withdrawal"

Sarah - "Tom dont aim for my face, Graffiti in my car port"
Tom - "Ok"

"dude, was with a game hottie last night but had no rubbers, so I Graffitied in her car port"

by stinky scotsman May 28, 2009

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You wouldn't download a car

A term used by pirates as a joke, making fun of those old anti-piracy PSAs.

-Bro, do you know where I can find GTA V to download? Any forum, tracker, repack, etc...?
-What? Do you mean pirating? That's evil and against the law! You wouldn't download a car, would you? Just kidding, check Fitgirl Repacks.
-Thanks, bro.
-You're welcome, me scurvie.

by fbicappuccino March 5, 2023

get out me car

What you say when somebody's irritating you.

rp: omg you ugly
you: get out me car!

by alsina's wife November 10, 2015

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