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Kill myself music

Heavy screaming music that you cannot understand. Tends to be music that is uplifting or telling a story...but screaming it at you.

"Hey what are you doing right now?"
"Oh I'm just listening to some kill myself music, whats up?"

by LoginiFettucini July 14, 2022

Pussy Music

Any single, or multiple people, places, or objects in which they are lame, weak, pussy, bitchy, or not liked.

"My friends new wooden pipe is such PUSSY MUSIC"
"Bro, wanna get 1/4 of regs tonight?" "PUSSY MUSIC!"

by tagitupbro August 22, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bad Music taste

A term usually labeled upon musicians by obnoxious teenagers.

(Some teenager) Dude, have you heard the latest fallout boy song?

(Musician) No, those guys suck. They have no variety in their music and their excuse for a guitarist just plays a few simple power chords throughout their songs. I doubt he could play a single sweep arpeggio if his life depended on it.

(Some Teenager) Dude, you have terrible taste in music.

(Musician) What makes you say that?

(Some teenager) their singer sounds cool, and they have bitchin lyrics.

(Musician)Lyrics are the easiest part of making music, and singers are the most overrated and most replaceable part of any band. The skill and quality lies with the people playing the insturments, and the people writing and arranging the music riffs as a whole, fallout boy fails at both.

(Some teenager) Hi jim! I see you have the latest soulja boy cd! (I stopped listening to that guy after 3 words.)

(Jim) Naw, this is the latest from miley cyrus.

(Musician) Wow, and he says I'm the one with bad music taste.

by StxSEPH February 15, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rate Your Music

A site that tries to be the musical equivalent to IMDb, but is just another music board that is filled with pseudo-intellectual indie twats who try to out-hip each other.

Has ridiculously high ratings for generic whiny indie bands (Radiohead, Arcade Fire, The Smiths, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pavement, ...) and therefore cannot be taken seriously.

Music fan: "What is the darkest band you've heard?"

HipsterIrony17: "Coldplay."
IndieFuckswit: "HAHAHA, I lol'd."
Douchebag#1: "OP is an idiot, worst thread ever!!!"

Typical forum discussion on Rate Your Music.

by celeb February 2, 2012

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Abso shitty music

Someone playing really bad bad music

Ellis:play some good music Nathan

*plays xxxtentacion

by Kianc101 July 16, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beat off music

An expression typically used in the American Midwest to describe any song on the radio that is truly pleasing to the ear canals.

*Livinโ€™ on a Prayer comes on the radio*

Person 1: โ€œAw man this is beat off music!โ€

by BeatOffMusician July 21, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School Musicaling

(v.) the act of strutting around randomly, often times in another person's house, dancing and singing to the high school musical soundtrack. (often not very good.)

Riley went to Carina's house, who had put on the sound track from the movie, and they were high school musicaling all day.

Riley almost lost her limbs from high school musicaling.

by Avid Actress May 2, 2011

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