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Genre of pop music performed by good looking young ladies, (totty) often of Scandawegian origin

Lene Marlin and Elin Ruth are top-class totty-pop!

by JeanDePierre December 15, 2007

Popping a Leroy

To take a tremendous shit.

"Hey man where were you?"

"I was popping a Leroy"

by Big_Ginger December 7, 2022


A deadbeat Father

Person 1: Who's that over there?
Person 2: That's my Pop-a-dops

by Mysto Calixio November 12, 2017

stoo pop

Slang for stupid

Rachel is stoo pop

by SimpleWhiteChild March 9, 2015

Popping a Razzi

When a very energetic fanboy or fangirl does something especially insane to get the attention of a star.

Bursting out of nowhere and streaking down the red carpet in front of Jennifer Lawrence is an example of Popping a Razzi.

by Bowlesthepopsicle August 3, 2014

Pop Off

Has 2 Definitions. Example:

Millennium Defintion:

used in the term for fighting

Gen Z Definition:

something or someone that's shocking, amazing etc etc

Millennium Def:

Person 1) you wanna pop off?!


Gen Z Def:

pop off sis! (or bro)

by GenZDefinitioner July 17, 2022


Extreme chain smoker with a wide collection of cologne. The cologne and smoking tend to cancel each other out when trying to impress the ladies, ending up as a neutral. Can be identified by the strange mix of odors.

"He smells so unusual, he must be a tom-pop"

by c-bomb12345 April 14, 2010