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douche bag

a man who spikes his hair, pops his collar, and pumps his fist while dancing

Bar tenders with ridiculous nicknames like "Jazz," for instance, who can be found after work hours lurking in corners at other late night bars, wearing dark colors and ordering shots of tequilla, can usually be examples of the phrase "douche bag."

by trouble128 February 2, 2010

Douche Bag

Some one who has more pictures of him/her self on facebook than friends.

Guy 1: Yo i just hit the limit for photos i can post on facebook, my 34 friends are gonna be juiced to see my new photo albums.
Guy 2: What a douche bag....

by raiderjason May 31, 2011

Douche Bag

1. That One Guy that complains All Night about how the OPEN BAR at a Wedding Reception ran out of Gin while there are 30 different kind of liquor is still remaining.

2. The guy that believes watching Philly Eagles game while at a wedding and then telling the groom "sorry but my Eagles are more important than your ceremony"

3. The guy that compares Strip Clubs to a Steak House.

Eagles fans are Douche Bags

by Captain Funguy October 1, 2013

Douche bag

A tag on clothing

"I have a douche bag on my underwear."
"Me too!"
*tear of joy!*

by Tilalovessalchichas June 1, 2011

Douche Bag

When a Person loves themself too much and thinks they are the center of the Universe and everyones attention.

Guy being followed by a crowd of people he dosent know while he jokes about people he walks past.
Jake:"MAN!, Did you see Randy? HES LIKE A MAGNET OR SUMTHIN!!!
Joseph:"Man, What a Douche Bag."

by wo7z October 8, 2010

douche bag

A guy who wears plastic sunglasses and Puma muscle shirts.

Looks at that douche bag. He thinks he walks on water!

by Magneto_1970 December 15, 2010

hate bag

Any place of employment in which all employers, employees, and affiliates hate one another.

My job is a total hate bag.

by Diablicl69 June 7, 2015