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A word as to define a trickster,joker or even a prankster

That boy is a troll

by Big fat d-d-dog June 14, 2022


is cereal a soup

bro who let the troll out

by kendguy June 22, 2023


Someone who confuses other people in certain specific topics of his own interests.

Person 1: defines troll correctly.

Person 2(troll): this is not the definition of troll.
Person 1: goes online confused looking for the definition of troll, and finds that he is correct.
Person 2: Be happy!

by De definer May 30, 2017


A person who commits mean spirited acts to toy with their victim, does so with pleasure in an unnatural sick way.
-Usually does so dancing ,side to side, chanting , / hehe-hahe’s with large smile on face..
- Almost always zero imagination present in subject. ( Think meat-head-bully in school throwing rocks at a goose)...( no creativity...)

Greg is a troll.

On weekends, for relaxation, I eat.
Greg still locks himself in his room and prankcalls my grandmother.
Every friday. What a damn troll.

by ( tgeyre not healthy....) October 18, 2022


Mark Benson And Cam Martinez

These guys are such trolls

by cpm07 September 30, 2024


Someone who is very annoying and likes to trick people. The biggest troll in the world is Rick Riordan.

Person A: Did you finish the Riordanverse books??
Person B: Yeah. But the book dedications! Like what the fuck?!
Person A: Damn Uncle Rick's such a troll.

by BradfordBadBoii March 12, 2021


A person who deliberately messes with other people to piss them off.

I was standing at the edge of the diving board when some troll pushed me off.

by xxUrban_legendxx November 21, 2016