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Jaked up

When consuming large amounts of cocaine or any other type of stimulant, and behaving in a annoying, obnoxious, manner.

Man, dude did a bunch of bumps at the party last night and was all Jaked up. He was getting on my last nerve for real.

by ZEPOL 774 July 25, 2022

Jaked up

The act of being jaked up or the process of gradually jaking up someone else. Explicitly homosexual in nature

"Babe stop I'm all Jaked up"

by Nightshade03 June 1, 2023

shrimped up

When your posture is so awful that your default pose looks like that of a shrimp.

My back has been killing me recently because I’m so shrimped up in my chair.

by Awesomator77 May 14, 2024

Shrimped up

Someone suffering from erectile dysfunction right when they need an erection most, often as a result of nerves, alcohol or drugs. In doing so, their shrivelled phallus resembles a small crustacean.

"Hey Rory, did you and Monica manage to shag last night?"
"No, I was completely shrimped up so I had to cram my rotten boy in her mouth."

by norambuena April 14, 2023

burnt poo in a pull up

Crispy burnt.

Burnt poo in a pull up tastes disgusting.

by Debskelly1985 May 20, 2023

Legendary Pull-Up

Executing a normal pull-up which is finished with the bar touching the chest rather than ending the movement when the chin is over the bar.

Yo that man is going Super Sayan! He just did 5 Legendary Pull-Ups in a row!

by Young King On Point October 17, 2020

Keep It Up

A game in which no more than 5 people form a circle and use a dodgeball to hit and ‘Keep it Up’. Use of all body parts is permissible. Current record is 1146.

After work, let’s get a game of Keep It Up going.

by Room1+1 July 21, 2021