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Dirty uncle yellow

The man the myth the legend, dirty uncle yellow( Ryan wiegand). Known for cooking bomb ass food, spinning fire, cutting up goats in tents at festivals to
Feed everyone around for days, and falling asleep randomly, at any time or place.

Duy for short

Did you see dirty uncle yellow taking to Ben earlier around 2pm. Yeah I seen him yellowing out while leaning against a tree mid sentence.

by Yellow_4130 November 23, 2021

Dirty Jarith

The act of having an orgasm with such a big load, it creates 3Bars of pressure. Usually resulting in explosions and lots of (pussy) farts.

He:Im going to cum
She: Oh noh !!

Room: Paint white with sounds echoing Prrrrrrrr prrr prrrrr prrrrrrrrrr
He: hehe it was a dirty Jarith

by Zeldoxx August 31, 2021

Dirty Fez

When You piss in a cup in a festival and throw it straight up in the air so it landS back on top of you

I’m sorry I did a dirty fez last night boys

by Shush0611 April 22, 2020

Dirty Joseph Watts

The act of sucking a hairy cock while also fingering the asshole of Joe Biden.

I Dirty Joseph watts that man!

by No man! February 11, 2024

Dirty Ludwin

A Dirty Ludwin is when a person smack the shit out of another person and stick their middle toe into their ear

Tom: “Did you get assaulted?”
Jerry: “No she just gave me a goood Dirty Ludwin”

by Foustus Longbottom April 16, 2020

dirty heavy d

When you’re 330 pounds and go to parties to pick up girls, and get no girls so you go fuck your gay dad.

I went home after the party and did a dirty heavy D

by Ohyeahbro June 5, 2019

1👍 2👎

Dirty Daspin

A hot guy with dandruff that plays a lot of video games.

Damn that kid is a dirty daspin.”

by Ape.Shit_Eater69 January 17, 2021