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Green day

Green day are a punk rock band, originated in California, being going 1988 to present. Billie Joe, Mike Dirnt and Tre Cool are the members. Their roles are front man on guitar and vocals, bass player and back up vocals and drummer respectively.Their name used to be sweet children but they changed it.Albums include Nimrod, Dookie, Kerplunk, American idiot, international super 1039/smoothed out slappy hours.Many people believe that Green day became sell-outs after releasing American idiot. That is not true. Those people are the “old green day” fans, say that its now not cool to like them because lots of people in high school do, but that’s just sad and ignorant because some fans, like me, couldn’t even walk when Dookie(1994) was released.The 1st song I heard was American idiot, I am ashamed to say that was on MTV, but it wasn’t my TV thank god.I thought wow this is a great song, so I downloaded the album and did a bit of research on the band. I downloaded their old stuff to, and its all equally awesome. I am unable to find a reason why that makes me a poser, but all you lot that do, please keep your ignorant comments to yourselves. Also, many people only like them because they see Billie Joe as “sooo hot init”, which is wrong, but I’m not denying that he’s very sexy, but he’s married with two kids! I listen for them for the music, but its totally ok to think Billie is hot. The lyrics are really meaningful, for example, in basket case.. do you have the time, to listen to me whine, about nothing and everything all at once. This is a phase many go through, feeling depressed but wondering what about and whether its everything or nothing, and this songs shows it in a kick ass way.
Green day rock\m/

there is no need for an example, read the actual definiton
but here are a few green day's greatest ever songs:
Basket case
having a blast
wake me up when september ends
jesus of suburbia

by tara05 January 1, 2006

48👍 35👎

day of defeat

A game that is the step up from Counter-Strike. All lamers who play Counter-Strike MUST graduate to Day Of Defeat and spawn camp like hell in order to survive in the internet world.

Patrick loves teh day of defeat because snipa owns him

by abtm February 23, 2003

30👍 20👎

valentine's day

a corporate holiday made by our corupt government to boost our economy

all the people who stress over gettin valentines day flowers to someone who will throw them away in a week.

all my females who get stressed out to find someone so they wont be alone on valentines day

by lilskjbaby February 14, 2004

30👍 20👎

munroe day

"munroe day" is a nonplus made by University of King's College students to the actual "Munro Day" celebrated by Dalhousie University. Munro Day was originally celebrated by Dalhousie to commemorate George Munro's monetary contributions to the university in its time of near banruptcy in the late 1800s. When the two universities joined, King's was to adopt all of Dalhousie's holidays, but since King's is a bunch of pompus ass's, they decided that they'd make up their own little secret holiday where little King's students run naked in the Quad in tribute to their mad king.

Only King's students believe in munroe day.

by Dragonsoar March 29, 2005

36👍 25👎

Green Day

A very good band that originally smoked themselves retarted then wrote up bad ass meaningful lyrics. Kerplunk and 1,039 kicked everyones ass, and dookie is a classic, insomniac made them cooler, nimrod dido, warning again classic, american idiot teased but didn't put out.

Myself: Hey dude wanna go down to the park and smoke 3 bowls then listen to Green Day, and Dre.

Someone who is badass enough for me to aknowledge: yeah

by Jhonny pot smoker April 18, 2006

21👍 12👎


the day we dont want to happen

Some furry: hey its Fur-Day
everyone: NOOOOOOOO

by A backstreet boys fan December 20, 2020

101👍 85👎

Obama Day

is the act of taking a day off school, work or other meetings to watch Obama related events or to see Obama related rallies, specificly the Inauguration.

Are you going to be in school on Jan 20th? No I am taking an Obama Day.

by canadaCrombie January 19, 2009

6560👍 6461👎