The verb David-Jiing is defined as the action of yapping, confidently using statistics or personal experiences completely made up, without acknowledging the lack of integrity in those claims.
Derived from MSU 23-24 Congress member David Ji, the professional yapper. Also used in the format of: pulling a David-Ji.
"- Dude like 70% of Stanford students are student-athletes, I swear!
- What are you talking about? I just searched it up on Google, it's only about 12% of them that are...
- Oh shit my bad, I was David-Jiing"
A very sexy man, any girl would die for
David Arruda is the sexiest man ALIVE
Hay you met the music man David Stanford yet
No but I hear he was in home and away
A lovable, caring, hardworking boy, who knows a thing or two about gaming, moss, moths, & legos. He also has a very nice beard & great eyebrows. Is very loved in return by Nymph.
"Wow, you're the coolest person i've ever met, you must be David Stefannypack!"
The most hilarious and playful person in the group. Yet, comes up with brilliant ideas and decisions no one questions. They are usually cute, quiet and influential. Excellent public speakers, actors and marketers. An Innovative David would never boast about his achievements but his achievements speak for him.
"You have to start thinking Innovative David". "It is a good thing to be Innovative} but always better to be Innovative David".
A guy friend who you used to have a crush on who you are no longer attracted to, yet he is exactly the kind of person you want to marry.
"I'm not attracted to Jeremy, but I want to marry someone just like him!"
"Anna! He's your David Bishel!"
when your fiora ints your lane and you tilt out of the game
Yesterday i pulled a david kanker because my team was bad