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Facebook Grudge

A grudge held due to lack of communication on facebook. Often caused by not commenting someone back on a status, photo, or other facebook item.

"What's wrong with Stacy? Why hasn't she been talking to you?"
"She must be holding a facebook grudge because I didn't comment her back on the post she put on my wall the other day."

by TRexSweeney February 19, 2010

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Facebook rejection

When you comment, poke, or message someone on Facebook expecting one back but never recieving one.

Person 1: "I messaged him last week to see if he wanted to go out, but he never responded!"

Person 2: "Facebook rejection..."

by equestrienne January 2, 2012

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Nasty Facebook

Any one persons facebook book page that is filled with a plethora of statuses relating to hating or fighting with their significant other, updating way too much or just plain crazy.

Dude, that chick is hot, but she's got one nasty facebook.

by Bleezy009 August 3, 2009

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Facebook Stalker

A guy or a girl who randomly adds people and scans through their profiles and pictures, send harrassing messages and thinks everything you post is about them and / or refers to them. They also send you lot of romantic gestured gifts the moment you add them, and steal your pics to post them on messages they send you and commenting on your good looks.

girl posts a status:
"I have message warning, those who matter know how to reach me"
scott: oh honey I remember our talks with warm
girl: huh? what talks?

Private message From scott:
"Hello this is your picture you look like a model"

girl to friends:
"scott is such a facebook stalker. he keeps harrassing me"

by kteva February 24, 2009

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Facebook Jail

Putting someone in 'facebook jail' refers to hiding their status updates b/c they (a) annoy you or (b) really fuckin' annoy you. This has no bearing on how you feel about the person, only how you feel about their thoughts contaminating your news feed. Okay, maybe it has a little bearing on what you think of the person, and whether or not it was smart to add them in the first place.

Homie, you are one step away from being put in facebook jail. Your status updates are fucking retarded.

by Seraph Belmont September 14, 2011

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tandem facebooking

When two people facebook together as a team

They comment on & "like" the same posts mere minutes apart. They also share pics & tag each other on notes. One will take the same quiz, add the same app, join the same group or become a fan of something immediately after the other one does. This type of facebooking duo constantly posts on each other's wall & shares inside jokes & obvious intimate understanding of their vague status updates. They may chat with each other on facebook even though they are sitting in the same room & could talk audibly instead.

These people come across as insecure, lame, cheesy & noobish in the ways of facebook. Everyone appreciates the feeling of belonging & being a valued part of their facebook crowd, but tandem facebookers take it too far & ironically alienate themselves to a degree. Tandem facebooking lowers social value even though the duo may find a huge sense of security in navigating facebook together. They may be trying too hard to look active on facebook or be too lazy to cultivate an original presence there while an ideal lies more to the middle of the spectrum.

One of the easiest ways for tandem facebookers to overcome this label & demonstrate independent thought & confidence is to sometimes wait a few hours between posting comments or clicking "like" on the walls of mutual friends.

Person A: "Oh, that group you just joined sounds funny! I'm gonna join it too!"

Person B: "No, wait! Wait at least a couple of hours so people won't see that we're tandem facebooking!"

by Hip Mama February 7, 2010

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When a friend screenshots your wall-to-wall and/or aim chat and posts it on your wall and tags you in the post

I totally Facebook-Owned my brother when he admitted to being gay in our aim conversation.

by mr drewskii October 9, 2009

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