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King of Fake Words

Someone who consistently uses words that appear to be fake to win at Words With Friends. Often times these words will be nonsensical and unknown words, even though the system accepts them for points.

Kyle: Check out the word I played for 50 points!
Ashley: Qi?
Kyle: Yeah I don’t know what it means and I can’t use it in a sentence but I’m definitely going to win the game now!

Ashley: You are the King of Fake Words.

by Acrane101 December 26, 2019

fake religious

People who act holy and self righteous when things go their way, but become pieces of shit when you disagree with them or call them out on their b.s.

Ali: "It's better to forgive and worry about yourself. We should all just agree for the sake of peace."
Omer: "I disagree."
Ali: "Wtf is wrong with you!? Are you stupid or retarded? Why can't you see I'm right?"
Omer: "How are you right?"
Ali: "Because I went to Yale, I pray everyday, am successful and everyone likes me."
Omer: "How does that make you right?"
Ali: "Wtf do you know Omer? You work in sales. And have like 50 followers. You barely know 10 surahs. I mean, you don't even have a beard."

Omer: "You just fake religious."

by Seven Eight6 April 9, 2020

Flake Fake

when a you invite a person and they agree to go but they make you think they weren't gunna come.

I showed up late on purpose it was A Flake Fake.

by Vulgar_English April 30, 2024

Fake mixx

to act fake,shady,jive and not keeping it real

man stop fake mixx'n (stop acting shady)

by Tyme da Boss August 3, 2010

Fake asf

Latori Brannon

“So called bestfriend is actually fake asf

by Kelsogood November 10, 2021

1👍 1👎

fake lez

a girl who tells people there lesbian to get attention from a group of LBGT women or men mostly in middle school,but are straight

Tallulah is such o fake lez

by bubbles.a.s123 April 7, 2019

Fake Friends Day

A day where you post a picture/video of a fake friend or you just drop that person🤣🤣
December 4th!!

“Hey remember Alex? Yeah the guy who stabbed me in the back, I’m going to post him on social media for Fake Friends Day!”

by boxy2sped November 28, 2019