When a woman forces a males beard inside of her hoohaa to stimulate her squirter to poroxide the man hair to claim him as her "billy goat " hence being billy goated
"I billy goated my husband now I own him "
A very young manager that has joined a high ranking managment team. Your typical Billy the kid, although very positive, will waist considerable time, effort and funds on things like powernappjng seminars and expensive but useless uniform upgrades which highlight their lack of real world knowledge.
The company just employed a Billy the kid. The company really needs some young vibrant ideas.
A real 'man's man' type of guy. One who has no clutch in his 1992 Chevy pickup truck but still drives it like he stole it even sliding sideways into a parking lot stopping mere inches from the car of the person he was meeting for the first time ever. Nonchalantly hopping out of the truck as if it were a normal everyday way of parking.
He totally went Billy Badass in that truck!
On the 6th April is Where yu show yur appreciation to yur bestftiend billy but specifically no hugs cuz you don’t wanna hug him
Thankyu billy for being my bestfriend it’s billy appreciation day 🙄
Type your definition here...A psycopath who luvs to stay in an abandoned home
Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...John is a billie bando!
it's when she leaves her cowboy boots on and you pin those boots next to her ears during sex
my wife and I went line dancing and when we got home I put her in the buckeroo Billy to finish up the night
Akin to a hillbilly but more a black vest wearing, banana 'atin why you drivin down my lane version.
Jaysus lad, watch it now or people will think youre a hildare billy