Source Code

The People's Republic of Jayanth Miranda

A country full of IT professionals

Hey Daddy, let's go The People's Republic of Jayanth Miranda and order for our lunch, heard they plan the best lunch.

by rabbi2502 May 13, 2019

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Horny people have rights

I can confirm that horny people do, in fact, have rights.

Person 1: Do horny people have rights?
Person 2: Yes, horny people have rights.

by hueheuheueheueh October 9, 2019

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people who eat dogs

Chinese people

Oh no! Yo-Yo is eating my dog because people who eat dogs are Chinese.

by ching chang chong eat my dogs October 18, 2017

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people who play magic

Guys that have fun and get a shit ton of girls

Red Deck = Guys that always win and get alot of girls
Blue Deck = Smart guys that steal everyone else's girls because they're smart
Black Deck = Girls love the black deck people for obvious reasons and go ham
White Deck = Guys that make sure everyone gets girls
Green Deck = Guys that get girls alot

There are a ranks in Magic:
Noobies - fags that don't play (take it in the butt from other guys)
Wizards - Guys that play and get girls
Sage - Guys that play alot and get alot of girls
Grand Sage - Guys that never lose and plow girls 24/7

People who play Magic = We play magic, girls love us and want the D

by Grand Sage Mordal Etu-Gromar December 3, 2013

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People's freedom of choices and voices act

A legal statute in Canada that affords a defendants ability to a fair trial. With the invocation of it, defendants are allowed to express themselves at a court level to avoid a mistrial. Some of the most common rights granted by this act are the abilities to smoke and swear in court

Ricky: "Your majesty, I would like to make a request under the People's freedom of choices and voices act that I be able to smoke and swear in your court. If I can't smoke and swear in your court, I can't represent myself at a court level and that's a fuckin' mistrial!"

Judge: "Richard, you have permission to smoke and swear in my courtroom, but please be advised, this is not a carnival."

by Drunkcrazyfuckinglunatic June 23, 2018

people in hell want ice water

A common response to the superfluous wants of someone in which situation there is either no ability or desire to respond to said wants. In other words, people in hell may want ice water, but the Devil has no desire to give it to them because they're in hell and now they have to deal with it.

Johnny: Dad, I really want a new BMW since Jason down the street got one.

Dad: Well, people in hell want ice water. You're going to continue to drive your 1999 piece-of-shit Toyota.

by giant-nutsack March 1, 2017

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people who define their names on urbandictionary

Complete fucking retards

people who define their names on urbandictionary can go fuck themselves

by AnalPrincess69 June 6, 2016

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