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Queen's touch

when cold water hits your testicles while you're traversing cold and deep waters

We all have to go thru the queen's touch today

by Quackers101 July 3, 2017

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Drama Queen

A girl who is simply a diva, and is always dramatic about everything for the sole purpose of gaining attention.

OMG kaitlyn is such a drama queen

by kingdanny July 22, 2015

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Drama Queen

stary#1083 aka KATHERINE

OMG Katherine is such a drama queen. She always likes to start drama, and never like to admit she is wrong.

by netherese January 19, 2021

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The Queen City

A term for the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. The 704 is the true QC.

Let's go the the queen city and get shell as fuck.

by SteppLadduh December 11, 2019

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Queen Procrastinator

The greatest female procrastinator in the world, who puts of all essential and non-essential activities until the last possible moment in time.

The woman with the best ability to challenge time to a contest, AND win.

Jennifer Erin is the ultimate Queen Procrastinator.

by J Mac July 17, 2012

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Queen’s Guard

A sex act involving two or more men having anal intercourse from behind in a single line; while one woman is position at the front of the line of men engaged in vaginal intercourse with the β€œfirst man”, also from behind. Most commonly used to humorously explain why the β€œfirst man’s” baby may resemble a close friend.

The couple’s baby has blonde hair like their friend due to the Queen’s Guard they all performed last year.

by Zelg May 15, 2019

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Caption queen

A caption queen, maybe king if you are male, is a person who adds captions to their photos that slay other people or something that they don't like

For example "Jessica is such a caption queen she totally slayed Martha with her new pic"

by bqueenb4jz September 2, 2015

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