The deliberate innacurate depiction of a historical event or people to further contemporary right extremist beliefs, rhetoric, and agenda.
The 2024 cinematic release of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin. A Right Wash movie where a pacifist humanitarian stood against an authoritarian fascism in history, but is innacuretly realigned as propaganda in support of right wing extremists and their fascist MAGA agenda.
The (im)perfect response to anything you aren't quite sure how to respond to. It can be used in any situation, as long as it doesn't fully work in said situation.
"My dog just died."
"Ya got that right, sista."
WHEN you play a good soccer and throw good with right hand
My friend has hell off right hand!
Imagine dislocating your pinky trying to get a rebound
That dude is so tough even tho he has a dislocated pinky on your right arm
1. use when being scarcastic about things.
2. very dragged out.
1. Your right, and i weigh 100 pounds.
2. your righttttt
*In Borat voice* My LiFe! Sorry... I'm not good at accents.
Hym "Yeah! I couldn't have put it better myself! A right-wing conspiracy nut's worst nightmare. Well, I mean, I COULD have put it better myself because I'm a genius and the greatest mind who has ever lived but it's-that's pretty good, yeah... And it's like 'Do you really have a stalker or are you just saying that because you know who I am and you know that I have a stalker and you want use my response to you SAYING you have a stalker (regardless of whether or not it's true) to justify your participation?' You know? Or 'Do you really have a paranoid schizophrenic brother or are you just saying that because you know who I am? Would you be saying any of this if I wasn't here?' It's like you want your behavior to be contingent on my behavior... Without my behavior being ONLY SELECTIVELY CONTINGENT on your behavior. If I do what you want, you're responsible. If I don't, it's on me. And it's NOT ANALOGOUS to MY behavior, because I take FULL CREDIT for the good and the bad. From dead kids to saved souls. Full credit."
Doesn't get me to do the thing Jordan Peterson wants me to do. So it isn't useful. He wants me to stop seeking recourse for what is happening and accept not being paid for my own labor. I do not have to amd will not do that. I will murder a child before I do that. Lucky for you, I haven't accepted not being paid nor have I stopped seeking recourse. You're welcome.
Hym "Being right us that only thing that matters. It doesn't matter what mitigates conflict in a relationship. The things you are saying either comport with objective reality or they don't."