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Forest Walking

This is a term used by dimwitted urbanites I've spoken with to describe the activity most people call "hiking ".

Tony : Me and my girl went camping up to the mountains the past weekend camping for 2 days

AJ: Did you guys do any forest walking?
Tony: ahhh, do you mean hiking? If so then yes.
AJ : oh yeah, I think that's what it's called!
Tony: yeah, it is. DUMBASS

by TVCAR112 March 28, 2024

mexican cat walk

when you go to taco bell at 3 am and slowly walk in and steal all the tacos and then voilantly shit in there toilet with out flushing and leaving it for the employesin the morning

yeah i gave that taco bell down the street the mexican cat walk

by mr georgy the handgun October 10, 2023

Walk Back

When your dog hates going for walks you carry him/ her to the end of the block and then walk back ( or scamper back) home. Applicable for other pets or small people.

Honey I'll be back really soon just taking Felix ( our dog) for a walk back.

by Tommy Mommy August 13, 2017

walk a pole

Walk a pole

To piss with a hard on

Walk a pole

To piss with a hard on.

I love sleeping at my girlfriend’s, but I had to “walk a pole” twice in a dark room. The pocket snake almost almost remodeled her bedroom!

by Elmo smoot April 18, 2018

walking nike

someone who wears strictly nike clothes, shoes, etc and ONLY nike

bro your a walking nike, ever heard of adidas or puma

by the rizz god January 20, 2024

Wack and Walk

When you have sex with a person and leave after.

Was that a wack and walk thing?

by GT4eva September 29, 2015

wack and walk

Is when you have sex with a person and leave after.

Is it a wack and walk type of thing?

by GT4eva September 29, 2015