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When ranking douche chill moments, this term is used for the worst one.

The time that news anchor said keep fucking that chicken had to be the douche-chilliest moment in TV history!

by Nappy Ho DiMaggio May 21, 2010

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Douche Lizard

A colossal douche who enters uninvited, and makes himself way to comfortable, before loudly fucking your roommate, and trying to act like nothing happened as he shakes your hand on the way out the door.

Person 1: "Hey, man thanks for the food. I know I showed up out of nowhere, and didn't really even knock, but I really appreciated the opportunity to mock your living habits before having a "private conversation" with your roommate."

Person 2: "Fucking Douche Lizard."

by mantium January 11, 2011

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Douche Chowda

A foul smelling soup made and commonly consumed primarily by men in Boston.

Pete, look at that drunk asshole pissing in the subway- He must have been out with his bro's drinkin douche chowda!!!

by SneakyOne April 21, 2010

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Douch drip

Douch drip is the remaining drips of douch from a used douch bag, or the remaining drips of the nozzle from the douch bag. Its is worst to be called a douch drip then a douch bag.

Man, I hate that guy so much. He's not even worth to be called a douch bag. he 's more like the reamining douch drips

by BiG KaLi MoB June 10, 2009

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douch bag

Male: Ed Hardy (or Abercombie) t-shirt wearing, studed rhinestone pocket jeans, white sunglases at night clubs, unibrow, hair bushing out of their shirts, armpit smelling STD guy with bad breath who chases you around and thinks they are a stud!

Female:Loud, trying not to have a unibrow, obnoxious skanky fat whore with half her fat ass hanging out creating drama where it is unneeded while pretending to be a good girl for mom and dad while she spreads her STDs all over town. AKA Kardashian.

Both Male and Female are full of shit (themselves), hence douch bag. Both Male and Female need to douch themselves. Both Male and Female love to reproduce other little potential douch bags that will follow in thier douch bag steps.

One could say, "Hey Kardashian, stop Kardashianing yourself around.

However, a better sentence frame would be, "Hey douch bag, stop Douch'n yourself around."

Synonyms are: douche bag, kardashian bag, shit bag, turd sandwich, sack of shit, and my personal favorite half brain dead circus monkey

by petitions/no-more-kardashian on Nov 15, 2011

by petitions/no-more-kardashian November 16, 2011

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douche bag

A person who is a complete ass to everyone because no one likes that person. And no one likes that douche bag becuase he is a complete ass to them all the time. He also might be gay.

God, Karl Helmuth is such a fucking douche bag. Some one such stab him in the face and/or neck, twice. No, no, three times.

by Funky Steve July 27, 2004

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Super Douche

This would be any woman who feels self entitled to anything and everything. She is affiliated with the soccer mom, drives a luxury vehicle, while on the phone, drives like no one else is on the road cutting anyone and everyone off while on her way to her nail appointment, because more often than not, she doesn't work, someone else pays her bills. She's a complete waste of space and believes she's the center of the universe.

Paris Hilton is a Super Douche.

by Ya Go June 19, 2007

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