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Creeping Jesus

A catch all term for being "under the weather" with a cold, flu, hangover, et cetera.

"I was in a cold sweat all night, reeling with the creeping jesus, retching in a bucket and freezing beneath five blankets."

by poetontheone December 3, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ginger Jesus

Another name for Ed Sheeran often used by his fans and/or fandom - sheerios. This is used in great excitement or during obsessive fan girl moments. Can also be used in sarcasm by the non-sheerio or when introducing a friend to sheerio culture.

Sheerio 1: 'Oh my god, Shanaynay I got tickets to go see the GINGER JESUS LIVE! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!'
Sheerio 2: 'I just want to stroke the ginger jesus' guitar'

Non fan talking to a sheerio: 'Oh of course god bless the ginger jesus'

Sheerio 3: 'This is obviously Ed Sheeran aka the Ginger Jesus. Here is 2435276372 page booklet go learn the sheerio ways.'

by DefiningFandoms June 9, 2013

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Jesus Christ on a bicycle

The using of christ's name, not necessarily in vain, but to exclaim surprise, disbelief, or disgust.
Also used in the excellent film, Ginger Snaps.

'Jesus Christ on a bicycle, Bob! You gave me a fright!'
'Jesus Christ on a bicycle! That was soooo gnarly!'

by CobyPryant March 25, 2007

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Jesus Zombie Day

Easter to us mere mortals. The day he became the living dead

Jaster had a nice Jesus Zombie Day with no shot gun in sight

by Jaster Mereel May 2, 2007

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lord tunderin jesus

a term people from Newfoundland and Labrador or Halifax would use as an overwhelming statement like they have just seen, done or heard something amazing like "oh my god" or "holy crap"

person 1 "lord tunderin jesus i just got a job"

person 2 "no way dear by how did you do it"

by billiam_269 May 21, 2009

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Jesus Take The Wheel

Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

Jesus Take The Wheel !!!!! My burdens are overwhelming and it doesn't seem like I'll ever catch up. I feel the pain of stress, hurt and setbacks. Strengthen me to stand up knowing you are always with me.

by Just Me str8 up July 17, 2015

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Five Clicks to Jesus

A Wikipedia game thats fun to play alone, but preferably with friends.
Someone shouts out a random word (whether it's an person/place/object it doesn't matter) and then the person who looks it up now has to follow a link from that page (counts as one click), then a link from that page etc., and they have 5 clicks to get from the original page to the Jesus Christ page.

I was playing the five clicks to Jesus game and it worked with everything! dildo, marijuana- they all lead to Jesus!

by Viper13 October 27, 2007

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