The team of analysts that unlock the mysteries hidden in ancient stone artifacts. Team Lithics is world renound in the archaeological community for a most comprehensive analysis of any and all stone artifacts. Team Lithics has also been known to hire themselves out as an elite strike force during times of urban warfare. They also pride themselves on their "zombie readiness" and claim to have destroyed several waves of the undead already.
Team Lithics saved the day again by rescuing the presidents daughter from the relentless attacks of evil dead zombies. The amazing thing about this rescue is that Team Lithics only used weapons fashioned from obsidian that they made on the way to the mission. Needless to say, the zombies went down hard core. Bitch.
the # 1 lithic analysis team. They are renound for their physical and mental prowess. They have saved the world on several occasions and are the worlds greatest unsung heroes.
Team Lithics saved the day again.
American duo and lifelong friends currently preparing for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. They are currently slated to participate in a record number of events, their strengths being pair events. Outside of the arena, the duo is known for their arrogant attitude, trademark homemade track suits, cigar smoking, binge drinking and assault record.
Team BrianGreg was victorious in pairs diving, and played the American national anthem on electric guitars before crushing a beer can on the losers forehead.
Shortened language for Team "Take That Rubber Off, Fuck That Hoe." The abbreviation implies that the mannerism and style of this act of consentual physical activity is done without the use of protection, specificlly a condom, and can be likened to two pieces of raw meat coming into contact with one another. This can be described as "meat to meat."
The original term comes from the song "Take That Rubber Off (Meat to Meat)."
Poor, lost soul: I am unsure to what to do in this situation. I feel conflicted, lost, and confused.
Voice of the Supreme: You must enlist in Team TTROFTH! Once you are within their ranks, you will be safe!
Poor, lost soul: How do I join this exclusive club?
Voice of the Supreme: Take that rubber off, fuck that hoe! Meat to Meat!
Poor, lost soul: Meat to Meat?
Voice of the Supreme: Meat to Meat!
Sexual Partner of Soul: *In agreement w voice of reason* Meat to Meat!
*F**k occur & End Scene*
the dirty swim team is a sex act mostly performed by men, it involves the man defecating into swim goggles and then forcing the woman to wear them for 3-4 days the after the 4 days when her eye is completely diseased,the man fucks her eye until it falls out which the woman must then consume covered in the mans cum
Todd: Hey john what happened last night with Karen?
John: I started a dirty swim team on her a few days ago and finished it last night.
Some gay people in a group chat on Discord that share gay videos with each other
Are you sure he's "Tourney Team" material?
Nah mate he isn't.