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Purple Snow

A soundcloud rapper; a diamond in the rough.

Me: Did you hear the new Purple snow song?
Friend: Yes, it was lit

by Thezaddyfromzanzabar October 10, 2018

Royal Purple

The best color. Good for leadership posters.

Did you hear that Peyton used light purple for the poster? Yeah, so lame. Royal purple is bettet.

by Courtney Aranyos April 6, 2017

purple hasse

A legendary person who only occurs when a Hasse is high. It is said that if a Hasse smokes purple haze he might become a immortal being that can destroy anyone and anything.

-Hot girl1: Omg is that a Hasse?

-Hot girl2: Yeah, but he's high so its a Purple Hasse

-Hot girl1: Have you heard about the myth of a Hasse smoke Purple Haze?

-Hot girl2: Yes who havent???

by Anordinaryguynamedbob March 4, 2021

purple people men

is someone who eat humans when they are purple and are a man, they also on come out during night time to eat young women,

OmG there a purple people men eater we better run fast.

by eirwio3urskjdfu358uewijkfrwk3u December 6, 2008

purple people men

is someone who eat humans when they are purple and are a man, they also on come out during night time to eat young women,

OmG there a purple people men eater we better run fast.

by eirwio3urskjdfu358uewijkfrwk3u December 6, 2008

Purple headed yogurt slinger

A penis

An erect penis

Basically when your penis is hard and erect it's head will be purple, hence 'purple headed'

The 'yogurt slinger' comes into play when the penis gets so sexually stimulated it spurts out a yogurt like substance, aka ejaculation

The man rubbed his cock for so long it slung its yogurt from its purple head

Then his roommate walked in

His roommate began sucking his cock, making him cum again

He began to softly moan

His roommate continued sucking

Soon the roommate started undressing themselves

The two got out some lube and they continued pleasuring the man's purple headed yogurt slinger by shoving it hard and fast deep into the man's roommates ass
Both vocalized their pleasure by moaning

'No homo', ofc :)

by Userlolz July 25, 2023


Modern slang word for a nonbinary person that has a penis and purple hair dye.

Yo, did you hear about Machel? I hard he was a Purple-Headed-Yogurt-Slinger.

by Turbocharger.qcow2 November 20, 2022