National Fake Friend Day is celebrated on May 26th . On this day post your “fakest” friends, and drop anyone you feel like you can’t trust .
“Tomorrow is National Fake Friend Day, i’m posting *****”
On March 3rd, the day in which florida was founded (therefore meaning flamingos were discovered) we shall appreciate the beauty and grace of flamingos. We should appreciate how they were able to survive extinction and live on!
want to go to the zoo?
because it's flamingo appreciation day
On August 15, bring the slut you’re fucking to your place of employment.
Are you bringing that bitch Cami to work on national slam piece day?
On fat ass day you WILL get a phat ass.
This is a holiday americans celebrate every april 12th with joy. This originated in 400 b.c when the greek gods gave eachother hot steamy lap dances and one of them said "well goddamn u have a phat ass"
Refumiuswechelfegalteanwearq: its phat ass day
You: yay
At the 3rd of december is official "Kiss a football player" day.
OMG I have to kiss him it's Kiss a football⚽️ player day.
This day is on April 24th and it is the day of appreciation for all the Angelo’s of the World!
“Did you hear its National Angelo Day?”
January 17. Every member of City-8 will sacrifice themselves to City-8 on that day, using the surgically implanted bombs in their heads.
You ready for City-8 Day?