Peace Love Equity Respect (Responsibility)
The last R is often left off.
duuuude! pler(r) all the way!
Pairs of words that have a meaning which is "one-hundred-eighty degrees" different from each other when the letter "r" is added, such as "fiend" and "friend", "gem" and "germ", etc.
Perhaps the "r" opposites might have had a role to play in the infamous "cell phone static" call that got the totally-honorable-and-conscientious Enron officials in trouble --- you will notice that the moral-minded, "Ship the documents to the Feds" has no "r" letters in it, whereas the supposedly-uttered criminal statement, "Rip the documents to shreds" does indeed contain that letter a couple times, and has the exact opposite meaning.
A subreddit
for clowns who want reddit karma
r/wooooooooosh plssssss give me reddit karma and reddit gold plsssssss i want the KARMAAAA
the greatest of all and the hottest mother fucker in the world. if you suck his cock you can be his friend
i want to be a Donald R. Stewart lll
Let's say you are at home chilling then you see one of your triggers and have a panic attack , you would feel homesick and want to go home even if you're at home.
- I wanna go home I wanna go home please I wanna go home
-do you Want to go home when u r already at home bro? It's alright calm down it's gonna be fine.
Michael 'Hi Steve Why Are You Driving On The Wrong Side Of The Road?'
S t e v e 'R O A D I S R O A D'
If someone types this, they are about to die from boredom. Going from right to left, 2 rows at a time, while holding the Shift key.
Person 1: Omg i am so bored... "?:>L<KMJNHBGVFCDXSZA|}+{_P)O(I*U&Y^T%R$E#W@Q!~
Person 2: What the...