A burn puppet is someone chosen typically based on outward characteristics that usually has engaged in criminal activity which is used by others to dictate their actions and drive them towards their goals while inevitably sacrificing them to the mob and escaping detection to continue on.
The crack head son of a vice president does t have the authority to negotiate the sale of Russian oil through a Ukrainian front company in Kazakhstan to China, he’s just another burn puppet.
A man who is more in touch with his feminine side. Universally hated and has radical beliefs that he is liked.
Aw i fucking hate Leo Burns. His sister has a nice pud but
A wee dick that nobody in his group like. Sometimes he comes over and everyone becomes sad and chokes him. Also should have a sister that is 110% fuckable every day. Dad is also a nonce
“fuck sake Leo Burns is coming. We hate him.”
When you distroy shit your ex gave you... as in the time he gave you a stuffed animal, and then broke up with you so you burned it.
Friend: So how are things going with tom?
You: I burned the monkey..!
Friend: OH.!.
an annoying term used by loud, obnoxious freshmen when someone has been burned. generally followed by a loud "WOOWOOWOO" siren noise..
annoying guy 1 - DUDE YOUR PAINTING SUCKS!
annoying guy 2 - WELL YOUR FACE SUCKS!
both (satisfied) - man, that was a good one.
A time when you usually wouldn't expect a surprise attack from Covenant elites.
Gentlemen we're burning sunshine here!
When something severely hyped by the community turns out to be a major disappointment or fails miserably, it is said that such thing "crashed and burned". It is usually used in conjunction with the Hype Train.
No Man's Sky Hype Train crashed and burned spectacularly! I was a total flop!!!