a play one words from the old saying, "killing two birds with one stone", but this expression is used to describe the act of trying to piss and ejaculate at the same time, which is not possible, yet...
"Welp. I tried Killing Two Bodily Fluids With One Urethra. But sadly, it is not possible."
dont kill the goddamn baby
1: Im gonna kill a baby
2: what the fuck
1: huh
2: dont kill the baby
When a celebrity is in a room full of his/her fans and gets killed by them.
OMG! I can't believe she was fan-killed :O
Did you figure it out Sam? You figure out why the Jews killed Christ?
Pam Seeder "That's a fucking Jewish bigotry! You can't do that! Harumph!"
Hym "You're missing the point either deliberately or because dumb, Pam. Why did the Jews kill Christ? Well... Because if there is one thing that people hate more than anything.... It's someone who can do seemingly impossible things as though they are trivial... And you don't really care about innocence or or guilt... 'Christ should have to answer to ME!' They say. But he refused to. So, maximize his suffering. Kill him. Coopt his thing so that the Jews can control the ancillary and tertiary followers. You torture and kill the primary followers. But the people liked his thing. His promise of immortality. So, you steal that for yourselves. Then you do have to give em more fish. You don't even have to figure out how to do what Jesus did! It doesn't even matter anymore because if their immortal... It doesn't matter when the die! He did it! Jesus killed death! And now we don't die!"
some overdramatic anime shit
Put your fucking hands up and get out of the car!
kill me where I stand
When you go to the bathroom but the aftermath is worse than expected, and the smell is horrible
Don't got into the restroom I killed a moose. I killed a moose therefore you sould give it sometime before you go in there.