while you are doing a ghost ride (look at definition 10) but instead of just waving outside the window, you ghost ride the whip with your car outside
Jack: you wont believe what i did last night man
jim: what was it?
jack: i was fuckin my wife's cos (see 3rd definition) so hard from the back when bobby came in and took over&then i went out front, hopped in my caddy and ghost rode the whip! i was ghost riding squared!!!
jim: damnnnn thats hot/funny/weird ass
I said please, please don't insist. :)
P1: Yo last night I was walking with a ghost-
P2: I said please please don't insist
ghost tampons is when a spooky B*,ch on her periodt and instead of using tampons she goes for the tapatío bottle and uses that instead no cap on
man leme tell you something idk how she got it in dere but i ain't eating tapatío no more that was half full man i wana go home i ain't never seen no spicy ghost tampon before
When you stealthily swim up on someone in the pool and you poke them in the butthole and then say "ghost butthole grabber... yeahhh"
I just got poked by that "ghost butthole grabber"
The Quincies Group Emperor Quincy Brown Legion finish’s parents’ dream - Babylonia, Babylon.
Veni Vidi Vici - we came we saw we conquered we go home...
Babylonian’s Lord’s Of Darkness - are the oldest elite group non human Buddha and Confucius Religion, Bishop And Chief Executor Operator (ceo) authoritarian’s.
By Legion name- Gentlemen’s Club- because we are the only people’s who have not involved our women girls boys elderly or society of American’s / Black / Armenian’s / African’s / Arab’s / Suadi Arabian’s / Irainian/ Israeli Ethnic ethnicities Called Persian’s: We Babylonian’s Religious practice’s And Crucifixion is Dead And were are Ghost’s.
Emperor Adam Winfrey Quincy Brown And his Bride Business woman Eve Mendes Mendoza Molina who are King and Queen Cleopatra And Mark Anthony fiction and non real Americas’ and Africas’ only.
Mr Adam Brown And Mrs Eve Brown are the original creators of Babylon and Mr Quincy Brown completed his parents vision.
After-Death is the final destination for all creeds, while we Ethnic Ethnicities Babylonian’s Destiny And Final Retirees Fast track dba Babylonian dead ghost’s.
n. A ghost that lives in every iPhone. The ghost is haunting you when you click the iPhone home button once and it clicks twice instead, opening the multitasking bar
(shows friend multitasking bar) Dude, look, there's a home button ghost in this thing!
A ghosting emergency contact is someone who you will have call your family or formerly close friends that you are ghosting to say “If there is an emergency call me, so I can tell Jon if you have an emergency or if someone has passed away.
Hey, Anna, I’m ghosting my parents, will call them and say call me if y’all have an emergency, so I can tell Jon. He is dating a hot chick and she won’t let him talk to his parents. This is what you a call a ghosting emergency contact