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Journey Moment

An awkward memory brought to the surface during a Journey song. The memory is usually of a relationship that ended badly which is brought on by the whining singing and bad 1980s sound of the Rock band Journey. Depression and thoughts of suicide follow a Journey Moment.

Why is Bob out on the ledge again?!?! They played Separate Ways on the radio again; he is having a Journey Moment! Don’t worry he will be back soon.

by Lord evil May 15, 2013

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Evelyn Moment

when someone does something smol brain

β€œOops I fell off a banana”
β€œEvelyn moment”

by Evelyn Moment March 1, 2021

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Bruh Moment

A moment that is bruh

Person 1: How bruh is this?
Person 2: Its worthy of being called a bruh moment

by supersleepykouhai June 29, 2019

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cerebral moment

It's when you go into a deep thought. And you feel isolated from the world. That's a true thought, which allowed you to get a direct answer from the brain.
When a complete stranger walks up to you and say something in relationship to what you were thinking about. When you had a cerebral moment.

I had a cerebral moment when a complete stranger read my mind.

When someone read your mind. ( Wow do you live in my head).

by Sista, sista March 6, 2014

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Glock Moment

When another person does something so mind-numbingly stupid that whipping out a glock and busting some caps is simply the only way to handle it

This morning my neighbor asked me if I had a case of the mondays...now that's a glock moment if I ever saw one.

by eastofwest January 21, 2012

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Estrogen moment

The moment when a female or a group of females laugh or comment on an inside joke or something the normal masculine male could not even begin to understand.

Group of teenagers sittig at a table...
Boy 1: hey did any of you go see that new werewolf movie yet?
Boy 2: not yet but I want to go with my girl to see it
Girl 1: hey remember back on that ego field trip when ... Told every body that she doesn't shave until the end of every month?
Girl 2: yea that was totally gross
Girl 1: omg some girls need to get some more class before they can hang with us
Girl 2: exactly

Boy 1: what?
Boy 2: idk man. That was a estrogen moment bro

by Gino314 February 13, 2010

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Nigga Moment

When a moment especially nigga-like occurs

Person: β€œwhere’d I put my fucking charger”
Nigga: β€œnigga moment”

by RakeRackRerusalem May 10, 2019

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