Used as a answer to a question. This response is mostly used in Marine Corps and Army combat arms units. Variations include adding a noun of your choice at the end.
Friend: You heard first Sergeant is releasing us early?
You: hell yeah, kill
Friend: Hey fuckhead make sure you're tracking formation at 1900!
You: Kill Sluts!
When you secure a shag from an 8+, No 7's round here boys!
Mumford got a kill last night, She was a 9.3.
for someone to help someone else
hey i just killed bob!
hooray hes alive!
DMV term for (I’m dead) or (oh nah)
Kill that shit wasn’t the move
Metaphysical terminology: To destroy one in court.
I will fucking kill you.(Metaphysically speaking - its illegal to kill somebody in real life. God does not allow murders into heaven - cold blooded or egotistical.
Might be misunderstood as a threat on one's life, thats on them for not continuing learning not you.