Urban Dictionary's signature importance in cultural society, but that gives it too much credit.
While a name is a faux-birthmark, UD writers seem to think that your name defines who you are. Essentially the only purpose of names on this website is to give an ego-boost to anyone who searches their own name up and to buy it as a mug.
Example 1: "Dude, I just wrote something great about myself on Urban Dictionary under my name!" the man said gleefully. "Go fuck yourself", the other replied, fully aware this person is ruining the Urban Dictionary website (as if it had any sort of reputation anyway).
Example 2: "While, the, name is a faux-birthmark", a man spoke to himself, as he wrote up the definition of 'Name' on Urban Dictionary in order to appear meta and hip. In actuality, nothing he has written in the last 3 minutes has contributed anything to society and will probably never be seen.
Is that why you won't say my name Jordan? Cus they're pronouns?
Hym "Oh shit, I didn't think this through! He can't say pronouns! I'll change my name. It's Liam Hymen now. Call me Liam Hymen. That's a name... A real one.... I would know.. Cus it's MY name.... My name is Liam Hymen.
Hym "I guess I know whose name to never ever say here bwahahahahahahaha!"
A wors that’s giving to a person to call them as, it is also known in this site for having the word “big dick/cock/penis/ Dwayne the rock johnson”
Abdul: a middle eastern man named for having a HUGE penis that all the girls want to suck on
A type of word on Urban Dictionary where people put a bunch of flattering words about either their romantic partner or themselves.
john is so epic and hot and cool and hot and crazy and hot and caring and hot and hot and he has a very cool and epic and hot name and you are very lucky if you have him and also he's hot did i mention that he's hot because he's very hot and-
Names are essentially utterances meant for addressing people even
For indicatorial purposes,
usually inculcated at time of birth.
Verb; illustrative ends:
Electful indicatorial descriptions elevated to imply of a noun or groups as to who or what it or they are like unto characteristicly.
Thou shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins
1. Plural of name
2. The worst definitions on the Urban Dictionary.
1. That's alotta names
2. Never search for any type of name on the Urban Dictionary! None of these definitions are useful! Just like zodiac signs.