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Horny Sensei

Not much to it, he's a retard

by Schloppicus April 22, 2021


The type of people that use old and overused memes. Some examples of these people are people that use shrek memes, spongebob memes, and minion memes.

That redditor is a retard.

by TheSmartKidThatIsSmart May 31, 2021


People that sweat there ass off in gorrila tag fortnite cod and rust

This dumb ass retard needs to touch grass

by Squishy____TheOG March 14, 2022


A very stupid person

Walker is soo fucking retarded

by Nonononi November 16, 2021


In an effort to redefine the "R word" Cross-eyed, Drug-dealing Rapist/Pedophile T.Webster (Kingston, Ontario). Finished 2nd place to a mule in a rock paper scissors competition. T.Webster screamed paper, Mule kicked him in the head.

That retard in Kingston, Ontario wont harm another child

by AbsoluteSuicideKing May 6, 2022


Stephen hawking

“Look at that retard”

Oh that’s my boy Stephen

by Stephenhawkingwalking January 13, 2024



Wow look how retarded he is he got a 27/8,000,000 on the test.

by Why are we here. May 7, 2022