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Stupid roeia

The type of person that is stupid on the internet very soft, calls people out for nothing, has no life, never got attention by her family, and always a loser, was definitely shoved in all of the lockers in the entire school that's no doubt, and always looked dumb to everyone else.


Woke ass twitter user: "oH i HaTE sIlVErVaLE fOR pLAyInG HoGwArTs lEgAcY wHaT A tRaNsPHobE"

Invader Zim: this girl is such a stupid roeia

Invader Tak: lol I know right

by aldemarbeste[GD] March 6, 2023

stupid drivers

Anyone who does not pay attention to the road while driving and is, instead, distracted or focused on something else.

guy1:That bitch over there almost hit me cause she was reaching for something in her car.
guy2: people can be stupid drivers.

by urban_kitsune March 17, 2016

do you haev stupid

the true way of asking a person if they're stupid, or the boblox meme where a yellow derp says it

do you haev stupid?

by TheLastSparkl November 30, 2020

Stupid tax

The cost associated with making bad decisions.

The cops caught me after 10 beers. Now I have to do classes and pay my stupid tax.

Also, that guy at the bar looked at me funny. I whooped his ass, but the cops got me, and now I have to pay the stupid tax.

by Thisshitisdumbbbbbbbbbb February 3, 2021

Stupid Tax

Stupid Tax
Anything you end up paying for something dumb you did…

I loaned a so-called friend of mine $100 bucks, I knew he didn’t like to pay his bills so why did I think he was going to pay me back? Now I’m paying Stupid Tax.

by Fansypants May 22, 2022

Stupid Idiot Baby

Estevan or Alyssandra

Estevan is a stupid idiot baby

by Bimah August 13, 2023

Stupid Saiyan

Def 1. Stupid Saiyan is an advanced transformation utilized by people who reach the highest levels of stupid to achieve it.

Orgin. The Phrase "Stupid Saiyan"was first created on May 19 2023, by J. Biggie to Describe Leonidas Aka Damion. When he achieved the highest levels of stupid.

Bro, you just went Stupid Saiyan 2.

by J Biggie May 19, 2023