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Like a talk back radio.

This means that when you start a conversation with someone, they don’t know when to shut up, and keep going on and on.

You switch on a radio, and it keeps broadcasting until you turn it off.

Guy 1: Man, that brother of yours just doesn’t know when to shut up!

Guy 2: Yeah, I know. He’s like a talk back radio.

by scooby007 January 16, 2011

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I Want to talk to someone

hey, it will all get better kay? just because u don't see the end doesn't mean there isn't one. talk to someone u trust or someone who u know wont betray u. if u don't have someone, try joining friendly online servers to talk to someone but do be cautious. hug a pillow sometimes if u can't get a hug, it helps a lot. don't hurt yourself, u don't deserve it even if u think u do. u deserve a better time :)

try checking friendly discord servers. ones ik is friendscord

take care, hope u have a better time soon, u matter.

i want to talk to someone too

by It will be better June 4, 2022

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

dont talk with your mouth full

a phraze used sence the beginning of time for the act in which a girl ( while giving head ) proceeds so say something along the lines of i love you, this is great, smells like beef cakes whatever.

or used in reference to talking while eating at the dinner table bitchy moms oftan use this to discourage kids from spitting mashed patatos at each other while yelling " go broncos "

girl : gobble gobble ( mutters i love you or yada yada )
guy: um dont talk with your mouth full

kid: ( spinage in the mouth ) god this fukin sucks
mom: listen nipple head dont talk with your mouth full

by Daniel-b April 4, 2006

33πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

talking like a man with a paper asshole

Talking like you have all the answers but you have none

John boehner is talking like a man with a paper asshole.

by Plumbob November 16, 2013

20πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Real Talk Gangsters 19

Real Talk Gangsters 19 or (RTG 19) Is a notorious street gang located in Winston Salem this gang represent the color black. The number 19 is the gang number and its also the number of seconds you have to get down in the gang. This gang has protected them and there hood they . The run from no one and take care of business. RTG 19 Began in the year 2013. There are down for whatever and never back out of anything.

Real Talk Gangsters 19

Lil Bruh. Alrdy know big homie 19 in this RTG 19

by HoodNiggaz May 21, 2013

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

we need to talk about kevin

when you need to talk about some shit about a person and you don't want other people to know who sed person is.

person 1: hey we need to talk about Kevin

person 2: yeah okay. is at lunch good for you?
person 1: yeah.
person eaves dropping: who's Kevin? there's no even at this school

by classy ass-bitch April 17, 2016

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

We don't talk about the drill

Don't talk about the drill.

We Don't talk about the drill!

by sussy baka 2022 edition 4k 8k February 8, 2022