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Cream Cheese Queen

homos that love to be cumdumped by hung uncut guys with smegma.

A good cream cheese queen knows the taste of a good dick.

by phillyqueen September 2, 2012

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Reverse Boston Cream

The act of male on female anal sex culminating in fellatio.

Oh man, did my mouth stink after giving that guy a reverse boston cream.

by MoZZeReTH February 24, 2011

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Chocolate cream pie

When you cum in a girls ass and the cum is brownish when it comes out.

I butted in her ass and it came out as a chocolate cream pie.

by Samhugecox March 18, 2015

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whipped cream pie

when you cum on a girls pussy then put whipped cream on it then eat it

whipped cream pie tastes good

by qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvnm, January 19, 2018

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Ice cream sandwich

A sandwich with shit on the bottom cum in the middle and shit on top

Sarahโ€™s mouth smelled like shit after eating an ice cream sandwich

by Fun dhudhueijcygusjeyrw May 10, 2018

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cream of wheat motherfucker

Dumb White pasty ugly fucker

That cream of wheat motherfucker just at a tater tot out of the road ditch

by MR.FUck.YoU August 24, 2017

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Cranston Cream Pie

The act of cumming in a girls ear while she is asleep and letting it dry up. This causes her to wake up confused and wondering why she is hard of hearing in one ear. Origin - Cranston, RI

Sally woke up having trouble hearing in one ear. She went to the doctor and he told her she had a classic case of the Cranston Cream Pies.

Peter waited until Karina was asleep so he could give her a good ol' Cranston cream pie.

My girlfriend was being a bitch. I told her if she kept it up she'd be getting a Cranston cream pie when she fell asleep...she changed her attitude real quick.

by Jeremiah Wickets March 6, 2016

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