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vagina dj

A person who gets carried away when playing with the vagina .. starts rubbing fast and thinks it feels good when relistically it does not!

Example like playing a record on some dj decks ....

OMG how was yesterday ....

it was ok untill he became a vagina dj ....

by Woman who knows what she likes November 19, 2013

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Same vagina

Colloquial phrase that replaces "same thing"

Who do you think was better, george bush senior or george bush?

Eh, same vagina.

by imAg! October 24, 2009

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cappochino Vagina

A or many vagina's with freckles near or around the cuch (Vagina)

luke- DAMN that must of been hot. max- shes a ginger and has a cappochino vagina!

by Stiffler01 June 13, 2010

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Princess Desperate Vagina

The co-worker that seems to try to sleep with any male coworker that gives her any type of attention regardless of any current relationship status. It is extremely obvious and nauseating to everyone but her, even other men. Can be shortened to "Princess D. Vag" or Princess Desperate Vag.

Oh, there goes Princess Desperate Vagina again. God. I keep doing having to do my work and her work, what a hooker.

by vyn April 24, 2012

vagina deny ya

the female version of a cock block.

I was going to watch fireworks with my boyfriend, but my mom made me go hang out with my grandma and watch reruns of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'. She is such a vagina deny ya.

by i hate raymond. August 8, 2010

The Biggest Fattest Vagina

The big fat vagina was carved out of an aspen tree by Cherokee Indians in 1564. Designed to hold the dicks of a thousand enemy warriors on their way to eternal suffering in the land of Tina. An ancient burial ground in the North

My brother M. D. Trumpeter was lost in a great battle many moons ago and now his wang spends eternity in The Biggest Fattest Vagina.

by DickTrumpet July 25, 2017

never-ending vagina

A vagina so loose it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway

Tom: Jesus! I screwed Mary last night. That bitch got a never-ending vagina! It was like, I shoved it in but got lost.

by Sith head June 12, 2014