Source Code

Who Asked

Nobody asked!

Person: I'm very funny

Me: Who asked?

by Aniler November 27, 2021

who asked

who asked is a thing when someone doesnt ana chat to you anymore but you just dont wana admit it they say hi you say who they say you say asked for a good example look at the thing

them: hi
you: who?
you:who asked

them: :(

by sus dog August 28, 2022

Who asked?

A term used by people with chronically low IQ, (also known as middle schoolers) as a so-called "come back" but in reality is very stupid. After the middle schooler says this they will think they're cool

Middle schooler one: your mom's fat!
Middle schooler two: okay? who asked??
Middle schooler one: ............. I did
***epic badass music plays and middle schooler one walks away***

by AnonyEx August 11, 2023

Who asked

When someone has no life and this is the only comeback they could only think of

A: You want coffee or tea?
B: Who asked?
A: Wha-
B: Who asked?
A: I just did

by January 7, 2024

Who asked


“that’s my dog” “who asked?”

by June 28, 2022

who asked

meaning that someone is talking about a incorrect topic.

A: i just got 100 dollars!
B:who asked?

by sussy pie October 29, 2021

who asked

The final card in the deck of a 14 year old when they know the person they're arguing with has every edge over them.

If you find someone telling you who asked, say "I asked". They will discombobulate and be torn apart by law of universe into quarks.

Person 1: Dude, you are such a dipshit. For one, you SHOT A HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIX PEOPLE DEAD. Second off, you just raped my girlfriend. And finally, you fucking HEXED MY FAMILY!
Person 2: Umm... uhh... who asked?...

by an extremely depressed bandu May 12, 2023