When you are about to cum but a family member knocks on your door and fucks up the whole thing
My mom just gave me a fucked nut
Singer: "If you people at the bar don''t shut up, I will go all fucking honky tonk man on your ass!"
gullible people who believe everything on tiktok.
You know, the guy above trying to be a smartass said there instead of their when referring to someone's idiocy. So really, the guy above is dumb as fuck.
The guy above: People still use it incorrectly though, showing there complete idiocy when they cannot correctly use the most versatile word in the English language.
Me: Wow, you can't spell versatile, AND you said there instead of their. You are dumb as fuck.
we all hate generic object battle its so gross!!! so hate it. happens any day
"wanna hate gob today man?" "YES YES!!!" "i love fuck gob day."
What every annoying bitch needs to chug vigorously
Arzaylea really needs to drink a cup of calm the fuck down, since all she does is cause drama.
Arzaylea needs to chug a cup of calm the fuck down, because everyone in the fandom with a right sense of mind hates her.
The remedy for the disfunction everybody is suffering from.
Quit being like a hard habit for me to break and let's try function-fucking-ality for a change