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hang brain

When your nut sack is rested on someone's forehead.

by Anonymous July 31, 2003

12👍 201👎

Brain Is Fried

Brain is fried is a fantasy rugby league competition that was created and run by a man called yurek hunt.

it has comprised of 8 teams but has expanded to 10 for the 2013 season.

the 8 inaugural teams are: the disney rats, the footrots dogs, the hills stallions, the matel giants, the muppetts toads, the sesame st eagles, the st.nick saints and the warner bros cats. the 2 new teams are the primus funksters and the rebellion porn stars.

the competition started in 2005 and the premiers of the seasons up until now (2012) were 05: footrots 06: disney 07: hills 08: st.nick 09: st.nick 10: hills 11: warner bros 12: warner bros.

st.nick and sesame street have been runners up on 2 occasions. matel, footrots, hills and warner bros runners up 1 time each. the muppetts are the only side thus far to not play in a grand final.

game results and all other statistics of the game are decided by dice rolling so there is no favourtism and all winners/losers are decided purely by chance. this makes it perhaps the most unpredictable competition in the world.

the reason why the premiership is called the brain is fried league is because one of yurek hunts good friends blackie shags believes yureks brain is fried from substance abuse in south america

yurek: hey blackie shags, whos gunna win the brain is fried in 2013?

blackie shags: muppetts

by Imic Hunt December 7, 2012

1👍 8👎

Brain Pills

Drugs/Supplements like Cerebral Success that greatly improve brain power in the fields of Mental Energy, Focus, Memory, and overall brain health.

Dude, hook me up with some of those Cerebral Success brain pills! I've got a test.

by JamesGunn January 17, 2012

1👍 6👎

Empty Brain Syndrome

- the short-term disease that occurs when one is asked to recall something or give an example to prove their point, but cannot remember anything to do so

-otherwise known as EBS.

Edna: Something weird always seems to happen to me on the 18th of every month at precisely 6.09 at night
Larry: Such as.. ?
Edna: Umm.. I cant remember anything right now
Larry: Ah, empty brain syndrome
Edna: Yep

by katykinz. December 5, 2008

6👍 5👎

hair brained scheme

A quick and dirty work around work around to address an otherwise complicated and/or painful challenge.

Here's an example of a hair brained scheme:

We should reward people’s effort to go above and beyond their normal duty in hiring process, just like we reward outstanding efforts in other areas of work. We can send a memo to say that we will consider efforts in hiring process that do not qualify for reference fee bonus award as part of the overall evaluation during year end compensation process.

We can mention a “hypothetical” example, w/o calling names, in the same memo to illustrate and address dinner-table discussions. We can also note that at the same time we want to be strict for the purposes of the official reference bonus awards to avoid conflicts, to avoid perception we are bending rules for some but not for others.

by armaniGT October 12, 2006

20👍 27👎

eats my brain

when something (usually an idea or a piece of art) has extremely impressed one and got all his/her attention

Bob: Did you watch AMAs last week?
Charlotte: Yeah, Adam Lambert's performance eats my brain!

by my_ivy_island November 30, 2009

8👍 8👎

brain to computer interface

A brain–computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a mind-machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI), or brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. BCIs are often directed at assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions.

The doctor installed a brain to computer interface to communicate with the patient.

by Margit_Jost_Kant December 20, 2015