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Fake Winger

A person who is in fact, totally apolitical, but jumps on every bandwagon going. Usually in order to gain social acceptance, and appear more intelligent than they actually are.

I see all the British middle class fake wingers have blacked out their social media profiles: As if they've ever even had a single objective thought about the situation.

by Rikstir June 5, 2020

Fake Brother

I person who cares about you in a brotherly way. Someone who shows you love and hate at the same time. Someone who is overprotective over you about boys. A person who shows you off to all of his friends and tells his family about you. They are also a person who you can talk to and they will comfort you.

That's my brother.
Your blood brother.
No, my fake brother.
Oh well, he treats you like his sister.

by Preiod March 4, 2022

fake pro


is that fake pro?

by Bigunicornballs August 21, 2022

fake hues

The various shades of orange resulting from a spray can tan.

The can of Cheeto dust sprayed on his face resulted in FAKE HUES.

by Pbass53 October 23, 2017

Fake grab ass year

They just want to grab girls asses they can’t get no girl that’s y they make these up fucking hell is this how much people have no girls😂

Fake Grab ass year

Grab ass year is fake🤦 ♂️

by Umair Ali February 25, 2020

Fake Queuing

When some dumb nerd on eternal return says there queuing but they aren't

Super cringe

When some nerd says "I'm queuing for ranked solos/duo/squads" then doesn't queue that's when someone is "Fake Queuing"

by Mr Briggs June 13, 2022

fake genius

some kids in prepuberty/puberty use to call themselves genius in Minecraft, Youtube, etc, by using an intentional perfect ortography and "being" a prodigy 10 years old kid that plays piano, is 1'85 metres tall, speaks 7 languages, is a professional drawer, knows programming, and most importanly: they have Asperger so they dont do jokes (all this bullshit is for winning a online girl and/or being an edgy/dark anime character).
IRL they are 13 years otakus Minecraft hackers, 1'65 metres tall, knows one language (maybe 2), draw stickmans and does Minecraft 2x2 piston doors.

online gamer girl: how are you mr_anonyrexgamerpro?
fake genius mr_anonyrexgamerpro: Hello, how are you.
ogg: how was your day?
fake genius mr_anonyrexgamerpro: Fine, I read a physics book all day, I drew an hiperrealistic drawing and I compose a new song in piano.

by xzzy October 22, 2019