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Wall of Minge

When a woman cock-blocks another woman ie, the female version of a cock-block.

Girl get with him, I'm goin' to erect Wall of Minge on that bitch's ass

by Minge Ninja November 23, 2011

thin walling

When you are staying in a hotel with very thin walls, and when you “accidentally” break through the wall you land on two really hot naked chicks chilling in a Jacuzzi pool next door.

Did you hear how Andrew was lucky enough to have a freakin’ thin walling event? And it was during the Model United Nations trip nonetheless!

by one_good_man March 2, 2009

Sexy Wall

That one wall that replaces a human partner.

DAMN! Thats a Sexy Wall!!!!

by AURORA POLAROID February 19, 2021

texting a wall

An expression used to describe when the person on the other end of a texting conversation is not likely to respond and is, therefore, essentially nonexistent. Thus, one may as well be texting a wall. Some people exhibit this behavior periodically; for others, it is a habitual thing.

Similar to calling a wall.


Bily: "Why don't you just text her, bro?"

Iván: "Because I'd be texting a wall."


Bily: "Have you been texting each other?"

Iván: "Sometimes, but she can be a text wall. It's better if I hit her up on Facebook."


Iván: "So, did Latrell respond to your text? I wanna make the 8 o' clock show."

Bily: "Son, you know that's a wall text."

by larfz March 26, 2013



There is a wall-cat in the corner! Kill It!!!

by wall-kat June 4, 2019

Wall Street Journal

to Wall Street Journal (verb): Snipping out part of a video or audio track and completely removing the context.

Person 1: Yo, did you hear that everyone is calling Bill Gates a racist?
Person 2: Oh, I've seen his talk yesterday against racism, someone must've Wall Street Journaled a segment out of it

by customer_support April 7, 2017

Maggos Wall

When you try to put a wall with Sage in a spot but you miss in a very tragic way that will possibly happen in tournements! (This can also cause you throwing rounds or even games)

You usually put a wall at A heaven in Haven if you somehow miss the wall its called Maggos Wall.

by Mpampinos February 17, 2021