A Bunnie is super amazing person! A bunnie is always super kind and always ready to help. A Bunnie is really fun to talk to and is a joy to have around! A Bunnie is also very pretty and is usually frozen mango obsessed
“Have you seen bunnie? They’re so pretty and cool!”
A inpendent female who is the one to help you sin, or sin with you . Money making sibling or friend
Bunnie is money . Hunny ,hubbie,money ,siblings inlaw
A horrible event in Animal Crossing New Horizon history that sparked outrage all over twitter
"Bunny day was the worst!" "I'll drink to that!!!"
The act of squirting a syringe of ghb into a vagina.
Tori-“Omg did you see how high Delia was last night?”
Steven-“ yeah, she had a fluffy bunny and 2 mins later... g’ing off her tits!”
When you say something completely random, sometimes stupid, and yet giggle worthy
"Within google I am full-on-god mode."
"Well that's a Bunnie-ism if I've ever heard one"
Two or more women rubbing their vaginas against one another.
We are both ragging so we can't even bump bunnies.
Extremely Leftist. Biden is their icon. They love him and Jill!
Skye you’re such a Biden bunny.