Celebrated annually on May 21, to tell fellow ghosts how nice and incredible they are.
hey wanna go around party on May 21?
Nah bro, i'm gonna celebrate ghost appreciation day but thanks.
giving someone the pronoun that they are gay yet they are the straightest person you know
if you have ghosts in your ed head get them out asap. they will make you do things that you wouldn’t normally do and tell you things that aren’t true. ha that kinda rhymed.
person one: dance monkey is a good song
person two: oh no you have ghosts in your ed
your mom is dead, pale, ugly, fat, and unamusing.
Yo moms a ghost, Brad!
Brad: Fuck!!! I hate you!!
a sexual act involving the use of a deceased relatives ashes as lube during the holiday season.
I dipped my dick her mother's urn, then went upstairs and pulled off a ghost of christmas past.
The act of using your right arm and extending your middle finger as in "the finger" or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) as an obscene hand gesture but staying at a horizontal angle (much like a Sieg Heil but winding in and out your middle finger keeping your other fingers closed) whilst Ghost Riding past people and Police on your illegal Electric Bike thus giving the Police "the finger" Ghost style not like the Queen Mother who did this with all four fingers (Royal Finger Wave).
I love to give people and the Police a Ghost Finger Wave whilst I Ghost Ride.
Jumping out of a moving scraper and dance next to the car while yelling KMEL lyrics.
To Ghost ride the whip is when a Hyphy ass pred-head, stunner shades wearer pops out of his mob bucket while it is coasting down 164th Avenue at about 5 miles per hour. The outmate will C-walk while throwing up what ever set he deems fit all while keeping up with the car he is driving so it doesn't get away.
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