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Kevin is a hardworking man who likes to play with dogs. He likes to cook but also to show up late to work.

That person reminds me of Kevin

by Chapo696969 April 3, 2021


A smart man that is interested in technology. He is above everyone else and is better than Ryan. Ryan is stupid.

Kevin has a big brain.

by Your mom 696969696969969696969 September 12, 2023


A man with an incredibly huge penis. Legend has it that his penis caused the big bang

Where is Kevin"

"Just look down his penis is so big it wraps around the world, we can trace him"

by Jamel Harrison November 24, 2021


A clinically insane person, he exists solely for the demise of others. He is a monster, a degenerate, a vile creature that stalks the darkness and feeds off the insanity of the people around him. This is the epitome of a sick bastard who will willingly run over 10 school children at 140 mph in a school zone for a smelly, dusty rapper's cum-stained burger from McDonald's. Records include intricate paintings of smear shit depicting the rise of a supposedly Eldritch god known as Khanh the Goatphukr. Blueprints for a torture mechanism known as the "Bamboo Cock and Ball Torture" have been found in the basement of his old residence, as well as the bodies of children of many different races. There have been many cases where he will commit absolutely heinous crimes and bypass them with the phrase "We do a little trolling."

However, this creature has multiple shown signs of mental retardation and can be capturable with enough determination and patience. One technique theorized to neutralize the creature is known as the Lenny Discharge, where the user baits the creature to a lake: this halts the creature as it stares deep into the empty deep of the lake, the only signs of tranquility known. The user must then ready the firearm (revolver, 12 gauge, etc.) and blast this stupid motherfucker into smithereens until the face is completely recognizable.

Shut the fuck Kevin you fucking animal! You can't just run over that family of four and just call that "The Troll Method!"
No that isn't "the Troll Method" that's vehicular manslaughter!

by femboynutbuster November 23, 2021


I feel like Kevin is a straight man from Ohio that works as a dentist during the day and a prostitute at night. He values long walks on the beach and has a weird foot fetish. Kevin like to look cool and impress the ladies with his magic tricks.

"No way you dentists Name is KEVIN too?"

by Hazardous_Hound October 25, 2022


A plush panda living in Oslo and who likes beeing cuddled. He also enjoys staring at people in the night with a cheeky smile. Kevin was born in Texas, U.S., but is used to travel a lot. He can easily fit in a suitecase, just needs a few holes to breath.

Welcome to Oslo Kevin!

by Rabbit&Panda November 7, 2017


A name that became synonym to being extremly dumb.

A:"Hey did you the video i sent you?"
B:"Yeah, the guy on it is so dumb his name is probably named Kevin"

by Arizw July 26, 2021