An up and coming company that will be worth billions one day
Did you hear about how well H and L Finances are doing in the stock market?
That fuking dumbasses, whomst thinking, that they are fuckin' specials snowflakes, and insulting other shippers in Voltron Fandom.
They are psychologicaly unstable, u need to stay away from them.
-O my god, they're yell again about Klance again, and tell me, that I should die with my ship
- I know, they are such a Klancers (C<l>ancers type)
Means you always lose but you are not a loser. ur a walking L.
That guy take a picture with L pose
the need of artificial cock inside the anal cavity, mostly used by gay men.
An insult chronically online people use when they are triggered and have no logical comeback.
Person A: The reason men make more than women in the workforce is due to higher levels of testosterone which leads to more competitive behavior.
Person B: L + Bozo
give a kiss to a person that's name starts with an L
everyone stop talking about national kiss someone that has a name that starts with L day