When your inner vaginal fold swell to resemble that of a slug after a yeast infection (thrush).
I think I have thrush, I've got slug lips again.
a condition where the top and bottom of your lips are on fire because you ate too much takis
That guy got taki lips, my guy
It means to silence or shut up-
Oi Tuck in your lip i have had enough of your crap
When your mouth is so dry (usually from partaking in the devil's lettuce, etc.) that your top lip sticks to the top of your teeth/gums giving the mouth a rodent appearance.
Or 'Fire Marshall Bill' from In Living Color....
"OMG You got cottonmouth so bad! You got Beaver Lip!!"
when u eat out a girl that got a blue waffle pussy
i got mad blueberry lip drip from tht bih over der blood
Slang for a female’s vagina or pussy
Those yoga pants really showcase her bottom lips.