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Death Metal


If you don't stop playing death metal, then I'll call the wee woos to have you arrested for earrape.

by Eddie the Head May 25, 2022

chicken metal

A sub-genre of metal created by Andrew Huang in January 2018. The genre features the use of rubber chickens as analogue instruments to create metal-style music.

"Dude, what's the greatest musical genre in history?"

"Well, it's got be Chicken Metal"

"I don't know why I asked"

by sleep_a_lot January 15, 2018

Metal thots

Girl that says she listens metal music just to have attention. She does not know any history of metal and never listened to a full album of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden or other bands like that. Usually loves metallica or bands that look like them

-Hey you see this Metal Thots there?
-Yes she probably does not know what Black Sabbath sounds like

by Okay696969 August 16, 2018

Metal head kiss

A Metal head kiss is when you and your partner stick both of your tongues out at the same time and make them touch, but only a touch, any longer is just an ordinary tongue kiss.

Dave:" I Metal head kissed sandra last night, weird feeling"
Gary:" Oh, I might try it with Ash tonight, blast some slayer cuz why not"
Both in unison:" FUCKING SLAYER!!!"

by GHFDSNJFT January 12, 2020

Groove Metal

Groove metal (also known as post-thrash or power groove) is a derivative form of thrash metal that is played at a moderate pace and places a greater emphasis on 'groove' and syncopation. This style was popularized in the early 1990s by the bands Prong and Pantera.

Lamb of God are my favorite groove metal band.

by Gucciandmoneyz July 23, 2024

Metal Gear Solid 2

One of the weaker Metal Gear Solid main titles, along with Metal Gear Solid 5. The plot is an incomprehensible and nonsensical mess and it has some pretty bland level design for most of the game. The best parts of an otherwise forgettable entry were the Tanker and Arsenal Gear segments that comprise 30% of the game. Those were peak Metal Gear Solid experiences. Otherwise, it’s just a bland rehash of Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid 2 was pretty average. Thankfully, Snake Eater came out afterward.

by Snideguy3093 March 3, 2022