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donald paul

a mega chad whose dick is beyond comprehension

Person: That guy loves men soooooooooooooooooooooooo much, he must be a donald paul.

by abcdimakememes May 17, 2023

paul louis

A specie of bird which makes incredibly sexual and loud noise to attract food and females.
His attributes can turn from woman boobs to pecs.

His usual activity is to touch people and hum. His humming can turn fatal if standing too close to the source.

-Special attributes : Penis grows with each summer growth spurt. Is a diva.

Look at this Paul Louis in its natural habitat!

by Paul-Louis the Bird February 22, 2017


Paul-Louis is an odd creature, he enjoys magic, ponies and has the special power being completely what the fuck. His favorite song is the opera interpretation of "dance of the sugar fairy" he will steel your heart... and your genitals in just one swift look. He looks like a flamboyant bishopony and he is recognizable by the sparkles that fly at each step he takes.

It's Paul-Louis !! Run! He will tickle your eyeball.

by Paul-Louis November 22, 2016

Poo Paul

When you stick you finger up your ass and stick it in an unsuspecting persons ear.

Similar to wet willy or moist margaret

Shanielle: Get away from me why'd you stick your finger in my ear!

Wendy: It's a poo paul :)

by Penis.popper September 22, 2017

Paul Rentaris

Paul is a very respected member of the comminuty of Inner Melbourne city. Paul Rentaris is currently the top stripper in the mens section and the top star on the incest catergory on his Favourite Website. Paul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul RentarisPaul Rentaris

Paul Rentaris is gay


James Paul

loyal, goofy, handsome, honest, smart, hardworking, talented

James Paul is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. Not only is his humor amazing, but HE is amazing. Jamey is an incredible friend who is very very sweet. He is always looking to enjoy life and look out for others. He is also a genius (who knows, maybe he could be president someday) Jamey has great hair and stunning eyes. His soft freckles bring out his incredibly contagious smile. His laugh is loud and honest and makes everyone around want to laugh along. Jamey is an overall handsome guy but he is too kind to admit it. He also has a great voice and one heck of a gyat. While you must be thinking "wow, he is too good to be true!" you are right. Jamey is a weirdo who doesn't like sprinkles, frosting, icing, or pickles. But other than that he is perfect, all of his boyfriends would agree. He is a kid at heart who enjoys star wars, marvel, DC, legos, and so much more. He finds the fun in everything and makes life so much more enjoyable. Jamey is so selfless he would eat the popcorn you burnt just so you wouldn't feel bad. You will never find anyone like him.

10/10 would recommend

Colton: Dangggggg look at James Paul's gyat!

Finn: Hey back off that gyat is mine!!!

by Loading...(ERROR 404) December 31, 2024

Paul Vale

paul vale won’t stop looking at public records

paul vale loves public records

by paul vale December 22, 2021